It's Been a Long Time!

Wow! It's been a since year I last posted here - I was about to head to my usual blog place of Tumblr but then remembered I actually do have a real public blog so why not post here instead?

Soooo what's happened since last year? I've moved out with Hung, we've bought our own property (#homeowner!), I'm still working where I work, not much has changed really!

I haven't really been blogging because life got quite hectic, I would say the time when we started house hunting was around the time I stopped blogging, there was a really busy period of time for and Hung, looking at houses, making big life decisions, committing to some big decisions for the house, buying furniture etc. As soon as we got the house, we jumped into furnishing and decoration / renovating the home so we can move in asap, then moved in around February this year, continued doing some more furniture shopping and we're pretty much there now! I can't believe we're already approaching spending our first Christmas together in our home - it's pretty surreal! Very soon after we moved in, we went on holiday to our homeland of Hong Kong and also a trip to Thailand, we had such a great 3 week holiday that it flew by waaaay too fast.

A lot of my colleagues also ended up getting engaged this year, Hung and I attended a few family weddings, my brother got married and we're also having some major family issues around my brother and his wife (I refuse to acknowledge her as my sister-in-law for such reasons). SO YES - it's been a busy year so far.

I'm home alone tonight as Hung has his leaving do (he's starting a new job next week) and he's spending the day with his brother tomorrow so he's not coming home tonight but rather is staying at "home home" a.k.a. his parent's home. I've so far spent the day trying to watch Mr. Sunshine - I'm really enjoying it so far but it's one of those dramas where you just have to pay attention or you won't know what's going on. I've also ended up online shopping at Yesstyle and spending £80 on new clothes - oops.

I just wanted to revive this blog really and hopefully try to be a bit more active again on it, reviewing stuff, ranting about life in general etc.

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