Microcurrent Device - Bear Foreo Mini

It's been 2 years since I posted something on here! I can't believe it. 

Absolutely LOADS of things have happened since 2018 so I'm not going to go through everything.

I actually wanted to revive this blog a little by writing a first impressions post on the Bear Foreo Mini microcurrent device that was released earlier this year as a new device from the Foreo range. There are so many great reviews out there for this product that I wanted to give my own first impressions of it.

Research and Choice

I won't go into detail what a microcurrent device does as you can Google it yourself and you might already know what it is if you've found your way to this post. I have also done a heck load of research on these devices prior to expressing my interest in one. Long story short, it was a real toss up for me between the Nuface Mini and the Foreo Bear Mini - I took about 2 weeks to decide which one fits me better and watched just about all the videos on YouTube on both devices. I personally don't think the 2 are actually comparable in a fair way as Nuface Mini has microcurrent balls that are the same as its full size version whereas the Bear Mini is actually a miniature version, with much smaller microcurrent balls compared to its full size version advertised to target specific areas of the face i.e. upper lip, around the eyes, nose etc. I ended up choosing Foreo in the end over Nuface even though both are great products that are fit for purpose. I couldn't really find any reviews out there that gave justifications of why people chose one over the other but my main reasons would be:

  • Battery life - the Foreo is known to have insane battery life on all of its products, some only needing to be charged once every 3 months or so. I'm a sucker for things that have long battery lives as I often forget to charge things that need to be charged every week or so. The Nuface needs to be charged about once a week if you're using it daily, therefore this was a strong point of consideration for why I chose Foreo over Nuface.
  • Size - with both devices being called 'Mini', the Bear Mini is tiny compared to the Nuface Mini. I love products that can be slipped into a make up bag and used on-the-go therefore this was also a strong point for me. In conjunction with the above point, this was definitely the Foreo for me. 
  • Technology - Bear Mini just has newer tech, end of. The anti-shock and sonic pulsations had raving reviews online. Such features are absent from the Nuface Mini, the Foreo Bear is a device that not only provides microcurrent treatment, it also helps massage your face and promote blood circulation due to the sonic pulsations. To be honest, anti-shock wasn't that much of a deal breaker to me as I've also read reviews that when Nuface is used correctly i.e. with enough microccurent gel, it shouldn't shock you at all. 

First Impressions

So onto my first impressions, please note that this is just a first impression as in I've just used it for 1 day, hence I'm not calling this a review as I haven't used it long enough to be reviewing it comprehensively. I will probably post another post on this once I have used it for about 3 months for longer term results and maybe an actual final verdict on the product.

So after unboxing my Foreo Bear Mini yesterday afternoon, I charged it up to full battery and then got started. The app was really easy to download and register the device. Only slightly annoying thing was it was asking the date I bought it and a picture of the purchase confirmation to register the device. Took me about 5 minutes to dig around for it in my inbox etc. After registering, I actually didn't even use the app LOL, here's why - I've watched SO many videos online with people following the app and the app targets areas like the mouth, upper lip area etc but I actually want to use this for my entire face. Although this product is marketed for those specific areas as in the demonstration video on the app, I wanted to go rogue and do my whole face, why not? Another reason I chose the mini (aside from price point - full size bear is a whopping £100 more than the mini) is because my face is actually quite small... therefore mini products of everything generally work really well for me. I have the Foreo Luna Mini as well as it works a charm. 

I decided not to use the Foreo Serum Serum Serum, the actual thing is SO ridiculously expensive that I didn't even bother with the tiny sample that is provided with the device. Instead I opted for good old pure Aloe Gel. In case anyone is interested, I purchased this one on Amazon, I made sure to get one that is pure and has hyaluronic acid properties for moisturising.

So I slathered it onto the left side of my face first and powered up the device to full power level 3 (because why not?) and went over my left side cheek about 3 times in thirds (upper cheek, middle cheek, lower cheek / jawline). I must tell you guys because I'm being honest in this that I got shocked. I was surprised because I thought it was anti-shock but once I got to my jawline I felt a sharp prick. Maybe it's because I didn't slather enough aloe gel in that area but boy, I was slightly electrocuted! So I slathered some more on and it was fine. Did my right cheek and then my forehead, then the chin area. Just basically worked the device around my whole face. 

I really like the product after using it once despite being shocked a little, it really is like a massage on the face and no lie, it left my skin baby smooth after for the rest of the day. I'm sitting here writing this after having had a hot shower and my skin is still baby smooth. So imagine doing this everyday, you'd have baby smooth skin for a long long time. I can't really tell any noticeable differences to my face in terms of a sharper jaw, lifted cheeks etc but I definitely felt like my face was a lot less swollen from water retention afterwards which is such a quick win if you use it in the mornings. 

I will definitely use this everyday this week to see what my face looks like after a full week of use, however, I might consider changing the power down to a level 2 rather than use it on full level 3. I'm only 29 so I actually have no wrinkles / crows feet etc but am just using it as a preventative measure. One thing I also ended up doing was wiping off the aloe vera with a wet face cloth after, I just don’t know how people can carry on with the rest of their day with this stuff on their face. I tried to leave it for about 30 mins and then couldn’t handle it anymore and decided to get a wet cloth and wipe the rest of the aloe vera off my face. Yes, seems like a waste and I hate wasting stuff but I can’t be walking around with a sticky face all day even if it’s just around the house. 

Anyway, excited to see what using this device will be like for the next 3 months!

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