Tragus Piercing


I finally got my tragus pierced a whole year after my rook! I can't believe it's been so long since I had my rook done, I was so excited to get my tragus done shortly after I had my rook, I even contemplated going back and getting it done the very next week but of course didn't because of healing times etc.

But now... one year later and I have it! Myself and my manager at work actually had it done around the same time so we're practically going through the same pain, trying desperately to keep our long hair away from the piercing as much as possible etc. I love that there's someone I can moan about it who's going through the same thing on an everyday basis.

People ask me if it hurt - to be honest - yes, it hurt very much. After getting the rook and hearing that the rook is apparently the most painful piercing, I was fully prepared for my tragus after reading online that there's very few nerves on the tragus area and that it's comparable to a lobe piercing, I now want to ask HOW ON EARTH IS IT COMPARABLE? No joke, although it was a different kind of pain to the rook, the tragus was bloody painful. The rook was like a sharp quick (and crunchy) pain followed by some burning sensation then went away but the tragus was like a very dull long lasting (and crunchy again) pain that then disappeared and has come back (more on this later).

Also, something hilariously embarrassing happened to me whilst I was getting it done that I'm sort of getting over now but was too ashamed to admit. When the piercing lady was marking the spot where she would be piercing I was staring into the little mirror she held up for me going "hmmm it looks a little low, can it go higher?" then she was like sure and re-marked it and I was looking into the mirror again thinking "this looks the same what the hell?" so I asked again if it can go higher and she recommended not to go any higher as it would then be out of the little triangly thing where it should sit, so I was there like thinking is she blind? The marking is so low!! But I trusted her instinct and got it done where she marked it a few millimetres higher than the first marking. Then I looked in the mirror and could have slapped myself, basically, the "dot" I was looking at the in mirror was my bloody BEAUTY SPOT that I totally forgot even existed!! Oh my god, no wonder it wasn't moving BECAUSE IT WASN'T EVEN THE DOT SHE WAS MARKING. So yeah, the piercing lady asked "do you like it?" and I had to say yes of course, what was she going to do if I said I hated it and it's too high? Not like she can change anything at this point. Honestly, my heart dropped when I looked in the mirror because I had been wishing I stuck to her original marking. So I continued to sit there like a lemon waiting for my colleague to get her second lobe holes done after me.

BUT, it's been 3 days and I'm actually liking this arrangement, it's not as high as I thought it was and when you look at it side-on, it's actually bang in the middle of my little triangly piece of cartilage so I'm a lot happier now - phew.

So as for some pictures...

Here's day 1 of the piercing - it's fresh and doesn't look red at all which I was really glad about, it didn't even feel like I had anything sitting there on my face.

Day 2 of the piercing and it looks a lot like day 1, not much swelling, again, couldn't really feel the piercing was even there unless I touched it. I did accidentally lean on it at work when I was talking to someone and that hurt like a bitch.

(Excuse my fat chin), day 3 (today) was the most painful by far, as you can see from this photo, it's pretty damn swollen, red and angry. I didn't touch or lean on it today so this is natural swelling. I have found it hard to smile and laugh without feeling the same sort of dull, bruising pain around the area which isn't fun at all. Hopefully the swelling goes down soon!

May post another little update in the upcoming days if I remember to do so, I've been finding the tragus particularly hard to clean because the inside sort of sits in a very naturally dirty, oily and waxy area. I'm still trying to find the best way for me to clean it throughly, interestingly, I haven't been using sea salt and have been doing antibacterial liquid soap soaks instead which I find much more beneficial as you're actually killing bacteria with the soap and it lathers easily for you to wash. I'll see how that goes, it's my first piercing where I haven't used sea salt soaks just because making the sea salt concoctions are quite time consuming for me and you never know if you're ever mixing the right amounts. I'll probably keep updated on that too, may switch back to sea salt soaks if the swelling doesn't go down within the next couple of days. 

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