K-Drama Review: One More Happy Ending

I've been stuck for a while now with writer's block trying to put together a review for a K-Drama - any K-Drama. I've actually been back onto the addiction after having fallen off because I was failing to find a good drama to watch. Having seen so many recent ones that have actually been good, it's been hard to deconstruct my thoughts and put them into words for a review. But after having seen 'One More Happy Ending' and blitzing through it in 3 days, it's made me really want to review it despite it having aired about a year ago!

Ah, I effing loved the story, it was an almost perfect rom-com for me. I don't think I've seen such a mature and refreshing rom-com since 'It's Okay, That's Love' in all honesty. Without revealing too much about the story, it mainly revolves around 4 former girlband idols who disbanded and are now living life in their mid-30s struggling to get their love lives on track. Although there is a focus on one of the girls, there's a perfect balance between all of them with each having a very distinct personality. By the time the drama finishes, you're left feeling connected with all 4 ladies and sympathise with each of them. It's very Sex in The City-esque and that's what works amazingly in this drama. The only tiny critique I would have about the story is that I think they may have tried to squeeze too much into 16 episodes and if it were 20 episodes long, they could have drawn out some of the other plots longer. [*SPOILERS AHEAD*] For example, the part at the end where Yeon Soo suddenly agrees to marry some other guy despite still having affection for Hae Joon was quite unexpected - I was hoping they would give each other a chance again as Hae Joon still cares for Yeon Soo. Maybe it wasn't enough for him to want to try their marriage again but her agreeing to marry some other guy that seems quite out of her ordinary personality was quite disappointing. To me, it felt like the writers had to create some sort of happy resolution for her because everyone else has found happiness with love by the end. You could argue that Hae Joon didn't end up with anyone but he's happy that his best friend and the woman he once loved are happy together and that's enough for him *shrugs*. Annnnd I would've loved to see Da Jung and Gun Hak's relationship grow more and more until they finally share a bedroom again(!!!) and maybe Dong Mi getting hitched with her toyboy - but maybe that's asking too much.[*SPOILERS END*]

Honestly, there was no one in this drama that made me stop to think why their acting was so shite. The 4 girls - Mi Mo, Dong Mi, Da Jung and Ae Ran were perfectly casted. My favourite had to be Dong Mi, she's just so hilarious for a 34 year old and comes across as very obviously inexperienced in love, often turning to her soul sisters for advice. Her falling for the wrong men, paying tons of money to attend mixers and then ultimately falling for someone unexpected was hilarious. She's literally the classic virgin amongst your girlfriends. Yoo In Na portrayed this character amazingly, having always seen her in other dramas play either the hapless female lead that needs saving ('Queen In Hyun's Man, My Secret Hotel') or the bitch everyone hates ('My Love From Another Star'), it was great to see this side of her acting. Jang Na Ra really stepped it up in this drama compared to when I saw her in 'Fated To Love You', I didn't like her as much in that drama - I'm not sure why either. In this drama, although she was great, I still found her a little irritating at times, I think it's her whole cutesy demeanour when she's drunk to be honest and that baby-voice she puts on. I don't want to sound like a hater because she was great when it came to showing emotion of the character but yeah, just little irks. Overall, the girls were great!

Jung Kyung Ho as the main lead (Soo Hyuk) was surprising for me because I still remember him as the cold blooded undercover cop from 'Cruel City', it was great to see him play a more lighthearted and comical character. I think he did brilliantly, he was funny, charming and serious all at the same time.

This was my first time seeing Kwon Yool in anything so I actually have no comparison of him to make to anything. I thought he was OK in his role (as Hae Joon), I did end up feeling so freaking sorry for his character by the end though. His first love was taken by Soo Hyuk and she ended up having his child and dying, his second love (Mi Mo) was taken again by Soo Hyuk which he had to just let go and still be best friends with him by the end. I came to the conclusion that he has got to be the most forgiving man on this planet. It's also sad that he gets absolutely nobody by the end of the drama whilst everyone else gets hitched with someone. Somebody give this guy a break (or a girlfriend).

This was an extremely solid drama from start to finish, I kept wanting to watch episode after episode which is quite rare for me these days. I was so interested in everyone's relationships in the drama and not just Mi Mo and Soo Hyuk's. Almost everyone had a past and the whole concept of ladies in their 30s being single / having issues with their married life / cheating boyfriends etc is just so relatable. Although some concepts in this drama were quite mature (sexual references for example which you don't see in a lot of dramas), they really managed to put a comical spin on it and it was just so lighthearted and fun to watch.

*SPOILER AHEAD* An extra 'hell-yeah!' to the female proposing to a man part at the end between Mi Mo and Soo Hyuk! *SPOILER END*

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