Review: Gone Girl (Film)

Three words: intelligent, thrilling & gripping.

I initially intended to read the book before I wanted to watch the movie but because it was my birthday on the 1st (another year older *cries*), me and the boyfriend went to watch this movie anyway - we're so late right? I just noticed it was released in October LOL. 

Went in with quite high expectations considering this movie received 8.5/10 from IMDB and I must say, my expectations were definitely met. Having had only read the synopsis figuring the story would be about the disappearance of a wife and the husband being the prime suspect was already intriguing to me (obviously the husband is not going to be the killer in a plot like this), but what this movie delivered was something much deeper and sinister and so amazing. 

You sort of sit through this movie thinking "so where is she? Is she alive? Is she dead? Did she run away? Why did she run away?" and only until about halfway is it revealed the true character of this wife who we know so little about from the start of the movie. From there, it just unravels even more and the intelligence of this character kinda just blows you away right till the very end. 


I really enjoyed this movie from the start till the end. I had mixed emotions about the ending as to some, it can be quite unfulfilling - they're just left to live together as one happy family with a baby on the way. Except this wife is a frigging murderer (an extremely intelligent one) who could potentially end up killing her husband somewhere down the line, or even her baby since the baby is just there to keep the husband with her and stop him revealing everything she's done. Despite it ending in the way it did, I still thought this movie was made extremely well, I know there are certain parts missing that appeared in the book but I guess that's what leaves me open to wanting to read the book next.


TL;DR: Go watch this movie if you haven't yet. It'll blow your mind. 

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