Aloe Vera Rescue!

Aloe vera gel was definitely my November PTM (product of the month).

Due to stress, hormones and whatnot, I've been experiencing episodes of bad skin particularly on my forehead. You know that frustrating feeling when you've tried almost everything to get rid of your spots and when you've just about cleared your skin, some more spots appear.

Aloe vera gel is usually used for sunburns as many holiday goers should be familiar with, I definitely used it on holiday as aftersun and it really does soothe your skin and helps protect it from harm. What I didn't know was that you can use aloe vera gel as a daily moisturiser, to fade acne scars and actually use it to help treat acne!

So I've been using for a couple of weeks now to see if it really does help my spot troubles and I was really surprised to see how much improvement there was even after 2 days. What I particularly love about aloe vera gel is that it soothes my face after washing, reduces redness and the size of spots and also really helps grease control.

If you're not a big fan of creams because you have naturally greasy skin and struggle to find night cream that isn't too greasy (which night creams usually are), then I would definitely recommend aloe vera gel as a substitute. It's not as moisturising as cream based products but it definitely feels nicer and lighter on the face due to it's gel like properties.

I'm currently using the Aloe Vera Gel from Aloe Pura which is only £3.05 from Superdrugs for 100ml!

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