Feeling extremely thankful this week.

I've been inactive for a while on this blog (or any blog for that matter) as I've been really busy trying to get myself started on my career, trying to motivate myself to complete my degree and just feeling really pessimistic in general because life was not good for me.

Mentally, I was in a state of low confidence - happens when you apply to a handful of jobs and get interviews but get rejected in the process of competing with everyone else for a job. Physically, I wasn't well - I wasn't eating correctly, sleeping correctly etc. Emotionally, I was also a state because I'm having relationship troubles at the moment, I'm not ashamed to admit it and it's really nothing to hide. If you combine all that with my parents' concern for my health, future and them misunderstanding how I feel, I guess you can sort of imagine what I was going through.

But this week, I got offered a job that is potentially a starting point for me in a career field that I want to get into. I feel proud that I got the job through no connections and with no experience. I was envious of people who knew people in industries that got them where they want to be. But thinking now, I really feel that I achieved this job through my own efforts, I proved to myself that I could achieve what I thought was near impossible - getting a job without tons of voluntary experience and unpaid internships (which are also competitive, mind you).

In all, I feel thankful that I went through the experiences that I did in the last 3 months. All those interviews and days feeling down about finding my place in society are paying off and I'm also finally feeling like my years of education are starting to pay off.

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