Personal: Being Productive

Welcome to my desk.

I've been finding it extremely hard to be productive recently. It's not that I need to be, I'm not rushing to meet any deadlines yet but I've (sadly) found comfort in laziness especially when life has been pretty hectic recently. It's just that period of downtime that I've been liking and it's easy when my next deadline is 3 months later and I'm like 70% of the way there.

Today was probably the first time I thought I'd try and be productive and it sort of worked... I mean I got stuff done and prepared for tomorrow - I have a Skype interview for an internship position. Not particularly nervous but more worried about the awkwardness. Never had a Skype interview in my life so... It'll be interesting to see how this turns out. I'm hoping that the first thing I don't have to say is "hello? Can you hear me? Can you see me?" Oh god. Or my dad coming to find me and bug me. Haven't told my parents because I don't want them interfering with my job/internship search for personal reasons.

I also worked on my project for submission in January. There's still quite a bit to do, like conducting interviews with teachers bit should be soon. I'm excited but scared at the same time - I'm turning 23 soon and life is beginning to worry be quite a lot at the rate it's progressing. Not looking forward to growing old compared to before when I was a naive 16 year old who couldn't wait to be 21 and officially called an "adult".

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