Review: Baviphat Strawberry Toxifying Mask

For those who know me personally, I'm a huge fan of Korean skincare products (hence the Laneige review previously). I went on quite a haul 2 years ago when I visited Seoul and have been stocking up since - paying them extra fees to get them over here from Korea (T__T). I've been using this mask on and off for quite a while now so it's time to give a review on it!  

This is actually my first ever clay mask (minus those ones I played around with when I was little - obviously had no idea what a clay mask even was, probably thought it was play clay lol). Personally, I'm not a huge fan of masks that you have to wash off after a certain period of time - apart from sleeping masks, because I'm a time-saving freak who thinks the quicker and more convenient the better... always. But anyway, enough about me and my opinions on life and onto the review. 

The texture of this mask is well... clay... duh. It's actually a really nice smooth clay that applies very easily onto the skin. It even comes with a tiny spoon for hygiene purposes - I wouldn't advise digging your fingers into the clay because you'll leave stuff behind like dust and skin flakes that you can't see. As usual with the products I've reviewed previously, a little goes a very long way, I always use one heap spoon for my whole face. As far as clay masks go, this one isn't actually very messy to use, just make sure to wash your hands before you pop the lid back on. 

The closest thing I would say the smell of this mask resembles is probably strawberry yoghurt. It's a really nice smell, made me want to eat it the first time I opened and used this mask. It's not overpowering or sickly either. I personally feel that the fragrance of this mask makes the masking experience more enjoyable if anything.

Ease of use
Like I said up there, it's easy to apply and the coverage is generally really smooth (make sure you apply to DRY skin with DRY hands), however, you may have trouble washing this mask off. The first couple of times I used this mask, I could never wash it off 100% first time, it was one of those masks where you really have to scrub at every corner of your face to get it off completely. Make sure you check in the mirror when you're washing because you don't want to walk out with unwashed, dried up clay on some parts of your face! Particular areas of extra attention would be the eye socket area, nostril area and eyebrows. Also, remember not to leave the mask on for longer than the directed time (15-20min I believe) - clay masks can actually do more harm than good for your skin if you leave them on for too long unlike sheet masks.

This mask does a really good job of giving your skin a deep clean where normal facial cleansers probably can't reach. I find it particularly useful when I have signs of a breakout patch on my face, I apply this mask to the affected area and the next day, the spots seem to go away. It's also been helping a lot with my recent outbreak of bad skin (damn hormones...), for acne prone skin, I would recommend this mask be used 2x a week and for normal skin maintenance once a week. I also found that this mask (like a lot of Korean skincare products) provide a whitening effect - it's especially more noticeable for this mask compared to other ones I've used i.e. sheet masks. 

Overall, I really love this mask, it does take a bit of discipline to remember to use it during the week - I always forget when my skin is nice and healthy and only go back to it when my skin is giving me hell. It's great for all skin types, however, I would recommend minimal usage for people with dry skin as it is a deep cleaning mask like most clay ones are - use moisturiser after if you have dry skin. I choose not apply night cream after this mask and let my natural oils seep through to moisturise my face but you can apply a light day cream after using this mask if you feel a little tightness after use. 

Definitely a top mask of choice for me, plus the pot itself is super cute - check out the Baviphat range if you're interested in this mask, they do sleeping masks and moisturisers in fruit shaped pots according to their smell like this one!

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