Review: & Other Stories "Petit Point Pink" Nail Polish

I usually buy nail polish from Nails Inc but I thought I'd try one from & Other Stories since I was passing by and absolutely loved this shade of pink (and because I get discount!). For those that don't know, & Other Stories is a fashion brand and retailer under the H&M group. You can find their shop down Regent Street in London. 

The consistency of this nail polish feels a lot thinner than others, noticeably upon first time usage. I've had this nail polish for a couple of months now and it does not seem to have thickened at all with storage. I quite like this as a lot of my polishes tend to congeal and thicken over time but this one has stayed thin ever since I bought it. Though, I feel that this also has it's downsides (see coverage).  

Despite this being a gorgeous shade of baby pink, I must say the coverage is pretty poor. Even with three coats, the polish fails to completely cover the nail and provide a solid colour. I feel that this is due to the consistency of the polish - hopefully over time perhaps the polish will thicken a bit and be able to provide a solid block colour. 

Brush quality
The brush is rather short and thick compared to most polishes, rather than fan out nicely upon application, the brush appears to drag the colour along. Upon first application I had no issues with the brush but over time, the brush left noticeable streaks along the wet polish which wouldn't go away unless I brushed a top coat when the polish was almost completely dry. Would've preferred if the brush was thinner and longer. 

Drying time
The polish dries very quickly compared to other polishes I own (note that the polish is not advertised as a 'quick drying' polish), again, I feel that this is down to the consistency of the polish itself. But I guess this is good as you will need multiple coats of this polish to make the colour look more solid and outstanding. 

Duration of wear
Upon first time usage, the duration of wear was around 1 week (with top coat) before I needed to remove the polish. This is actually really good for my standards of wear as with me working on weekends, tough handling products, my nails tend to be scuffed to the max by the end of the week. I guess it also depends on how many coats are applied as with more coats you run a higher risk of the polish chipping, and also if you apply top coat or not. 

Each polish from this range is £5 per bottle. I'd say this was decent for the quality of the polish (considering polish from Nails Inc is £10-11 per bottle) - a mid range pricing. 

Verdict/Purchase again?
Not likely. I was only really tempted by the shade of this polish and the fact that it came from a brand under H&M. I would definitely recommend spending a few more £ on a better quality nail polish that actually provides a solid coverage than a thin one where you need to apply more than 2 coats (because time is money right!?) Though, the packaging and design of these polishes are really cute and compact - good for if you're travelling. 

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