Review: The Book of Mormon Musical

Today was my boyfriend's birthday and as many girlfriends can sympathise with me on this, I had no clue what to get him. Seeing as we had spoken about wanting to watch The Book of Mormon and being forever put off because tickets bought at the box office in London were soooo horribly expensive, it just never happened. So I decided to search online and ended up booking us tickets on the evening of his birthday. 

This musical is shown at the Prince of Wales theatre just outside Piccadilly Circus station. It's not a huge theatre, definitely smaller than the Apollo Victoria where Wicked is shown, being that, it is quite a nice theatre, you're not cramped in your seat and the viewing is great even in the circle (where we were sat, tickets in the stalls were sold out :(). 

Obviously it depends on where you're sat in the circle to be honest, we were up in Row H seats 5 and 6. Believe me, it's totally worth researching about which seats are the best/worth the money before you just book any seat. Always try and pick the seats that are labelled as good for the price they're sold at rather than average or ok seats. I used Theatre Monkey to check out the leftover seats available before I booked. As well, always make sure you're looking at the actual seats you're booking and not just generalising the guide - for example, assuming that the next seat along would give the same experience because let me tell you that the next seat along can give a totally different view. I was in seat 5 and shuffled along to seat 4 after the break because there were 4 empty seats next to us, the view was completely different, I couldn't see the whole stage compared to when I was sat in seat 5, so there you have it. 

Anyway, onto the review about the musical - not going to describe the story because... well, go watch it for yourself. Renowned for being 'hilarious' and winning multiple awards for the best musical, I must say, it really does live up to the hype. I went in there not even knowing what the musical is about (the title doesn't give much away to me) and ended up loving it when I came out. The humour is a bit slow at the beginning but by the halfway point, it really picks up and you end up loving every word the actors/actresses are saying. The singing was amazing, I really loved whoever was playing Nabulungi (I think it was a different actress because they announced it at the beginning), her voice gave me goosebumps every time. 

I felt the length of the musical was great too, Wicked felt too long for me, if I can recall correctly, the total time was around 3 hours or a bit over with all the breaks, this one was around 2 hours 15 mins with the single break after 1 hour. 

Would definitely recommend anyone in London to go see it before it's too late - I think they're heading off to somewhere else at the beginning of next year so don't miss out! 

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