K-Drama: W - First Impressions

W is another highly anticipated K-Drama that people have been saying rivals Uncontrollable Fond which is also currently airing. Those who have read my previous reviews, you'll know that I very rarely watch dramas as they're airing because I can't handle the cliffhanger endings and having to wait a whole week for the next episodes to be released and subbed. The synopsis of W had me intrigued right away thought and I felt I had to watch it on release date.

The story depicts a romance between a surgeon in the real world and a rich man from the world of a webtoon. What's interesting is the "supernatural" cross-over between reality and fiction - how would that even work? Lee Jong Suk plays the main character - a rich guy inside the webtoon called Kang Chul and Han Hyo Joo plays the main female lead - a not-so-talented surgeon called Oh Yeon Joo. I like to base my preconceptions of dramas I watch on the actors / actresses. I've seen Lee Jong Suk before in 'Doctor Stranger' and 'Pinocchio' before so I was really excited that he was in this drama as the main lead, he'll no doubt do a good job. I've never watched anything with Han Hyo Joo in it before so at the same time I was excited to see how good the acting is in it from her.

As of writing this first impressions review, I'm up to episode 4 which is the current episode that just aired this week. I must say - I am hooked. Although on the outside this drama just seems like any old romance drama, you can see how much thought the writers have put into making this concept even possible. The majority of the first 4 episodes show the webtoon world which is pretty much Seoul, it's not based on a fictitious location so when Yeon Joo goes into the webtoon world, it's not actually much different to the reality that she comes from except time goes much faster in the webtoon world (7 days in the webtoon world = 30 minutes in the real world).


Without boring you with the minor details, the plot as of now seems to revolve around this webtoon creation that Yeon Joo's father made that became famous over time and as Yeon Joo's father attempts to kill Kang Chul to end the webtoon, Kang Chul refuses to let his life end and whatever Yeon Joo's father tries to do with the webtoon, Kang Chul changes the circumstances so that he lives.

Yeon Joo ends up in the webtoon after Kang Chul gets stabbed (as per Yeon Joo's father's plans to have him stabbed and killed) and ends up saving his life.

After that, she ends up flitting in between the 2 worlds and ends up landing herself as the suspect for stabbing Kang Chul and ends up in jail. This makes her tell Kang Chul everything about who he really is and the world he's really in, the shock of this reality to Kang Chul that everything around him is fake causes his world to completely stop.

As Kang Chul's world stops, he finds a portal of some sort that leads into the real world where Yeon Joo is back at.

Just like that Kang Chul ends up in the real world like a terminator and THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET INCREDIBLY EXCITING. We also find out that the source of the portal is the wacom tablet that Yeon Joo's dad was using the create his webtoon - spooky.

That pretty much summarises the first 4 episodes of the drama. I'm so so so incredibly excited for next week's episodes because Kang Chul is now in the real world. I'm really enjoying this drama at the moment, from my summary it may seem like the plot is a very serious one. Kang Chul is a very serious character, he also oozes cool-ness and Yeon Joo is a very ditzy, confused and daring character, she brings a slight humour to the drama that makes it even more enjoyable. The romance seems to be going at quite a fast pace with already 2 instances of kissing in the space of 4 episodes(!!)

And not to mention, Yeon Joo's disgust at the lacy bra option she was given when staying at Kang Chul's place.

And her constantly trying (but failing) to take Kang Chul by surprise... you go girl! 

Can't wait for next week!

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