Guess what?

I've started to vlog!

I thought long and hard about it as vlogging takes time and commitment even if you're not aiming to do it as a job. I didn't want to start it and then not commit to doing it at all and end up having this lonely one vlog on my channel with nothing to add to it. I do this quite often actually - I used to be into making gifs (not the most exciting hobby, I know), but that interest started to end once my blog started getting popular on tumblr and then I just couldn't keep up with the daily uploading.

The main reason I want to do it is because I want to create memories, especially with Hung (le boyfriend). Life is short and I feel like if I vlog enough, looking back on these vlogs will be exciting and pretty funny. I think vlogging is also stimulating me to want to look for new things to do when Hung and I go out on our dates and stuff. We've got some exciting things lined up to do during this summer so it'll be "vlog-worthy" content which I'm really looking forward to.

I'm not doing it with the hopes of amassing millions of followers or even becoming a partner or anything like that. I'm content with my current job and career that I want this to just be a hobby for me and also a place where I can keep my memories in video format and share them with whoever I want to share them with (and all those unlucky souls who happen to come across my vlogs on the internet).

So without further ado, I'm super thrilled to reveal my first ever vlog:

I'm not 100% optimistic but let's see how long I keep this up LOL.

P.S. Excuse my horrible sounding voice

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