K-Drama: I Miss You / Missing You


I'm sorry all my recent posts have been solely about K-Dramas, I promise I'll talk about something different soon... ish.

So I've started watching I Miss You / Missing You, this drama was aired in 2013 so it's not a recent one, I'm just late to the party. Or rather, I'm scraping the barrel looking for any decent k-drama to satisfy the time during the week where I'm waiting for new episodes of Descendants of the Sun to be released.


I'm currently on episode 5 of this drama and it's been nothing but 5 episodes of deep, painful, sadness. The childhood segment for the first 4 and a half episodes of this drama contains so much tragedy that now I understand why some people have dropped this drama because well, it's just too sad. By the time you reach episode 4, every child (by every, I mean the only 3 kids in this that are really concerned) in this drama are just broken. In fact, I'm so glad they've fast forwarded into the future now as the adult part is probably going to be more tolerable no matter what happens to them.

Sadness of the plot aside, there's a handful of good actors and actresses taking on the roles of the main characters which actually pushed me to watch it.

Yoo Eun Hye plays our tragic heroine Soo Yeon, I've seen her in Goong and Coffee Prince previously but those were like, completely different roles to this so it's interesting for me to see how well she does in this role. Child actress Kim So Hyun plays the childhood counterpart of Soo Yeon, although it looks like she's been in a range of things I've watched (The Moon That Embraces the Sun, Rooftop Prince, IRIS 2(!?!?!)) I only remember her being in The Moon That Embraces the Sun LOL, she was the evil princess that I LOATHED. Great memory.

Park Yoo Chun plays the main love interest Jung Woo, I've seen him in Rooftop Prince previously and I'm not the biggest fan of his acting but he seems alright in this drama. Yeo Jin Goo plays the childhood counterpart of Jung Woo, I absolutely ADORE this kid, he's phenomenal in any role he's placed in, amazing in Warrior Baek Dong Soo, even more amazing in The Moon That Embraces the Sun. Thumbs up for this guy.

Again, Yoo Seung Ho plays the antagonist in this drama - Hyung Joon, I'm yet to get to that part but I already know the drama is going to portray him as a complete prick that ends up with nobody by the end of the drama. I can't take his cane seriously in this though and whoever came up with his "English" name needs to be shot - what kind of awful name is Harry Harrison!? (EDIT: Ok, turns out his name was just poor translation from a fansub I watched). Not going to lie, I'm enjoying the romance between Hyung Joon and Seo Yoon and will continue to do so until Jung Woo steals her away. As for the child counterpart of Hyung Joon - never seen the kid in my life in another drama so I won't comment there.

So to summarise my long winded first impressions of I Miss You...

Plot is looking okay so far, I'm looking forward to seeing more of the story unravel now that they've fast forwarded into the future and have filled everyone in on the tragic and traumatic childhood past. I just hope they stop killing off people so needlessly i.e. that detective I already forgot the name of and now nurse Jung... poor nurse Jung, she was a total bitch but it seems like she brought Hyung Joon and Soo Yeon up.

Commenting exclusively on episode 5, it ended very awkwardly with Jung Woo trying to scale a metal gate to reach the Seo Yeon sounding person who he doesn't know is actually Seo Yeon yet...


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