
So I seem to have gone from couch potato to fitness junkie overnight.

What spurred me on to actually buy a Fitbit was a) I'm actually playing badminton every week now (yay sports) b) I started paying more attention to the number of steps I do during the day on my phone though I don't always have my phone on me so this figure is slightly inaccurate 99% of the time, c) the Alta is the new model from Fitbit that came out and it looks pretty damn cool for a fitness watch and d) my precious go-to-everyday Olivia Burton watch has suddenly died on me and until I can get it back up and running again I need a black watch to complete my everyday accessorisation.

So what are my thoughts?

I've had this little baby for a week now and I'm totally obsessed with it. I bought this in black (I'm so boring, I know) and couldn't wait to get it setup and running.

Things I love about the Fitbit Alta:

  • The seamless integration between the watch and my phone - although I now have to keep bluetooth enabled, it hasn't been such a big drainer on my phone battery. I really like how I can just easily fire up the app for a full breakdown of my steps, miles walked, calories burnt etc etc. Settings are also very easily tweaked via the app, change your settings, re-sync with the watch - done. Amazing app, amazing watch, amazing syncronisation between the 2. 
  • The material of the watch - now this is an important factor. Although the watch cost me £100, the materials of the watch definitely shows in the pricing. The strap is made of a high quality rubber, the actual tracker is made of some type of matted metal that reminds me of the same material the apple Macbook uses. No complaints here. 
  • Very sleek design - you can remove the straps and swap them out for a different colour strap - how bloody cool is that!? I'm a sucker for customisation so obviously within days of having this watch, I've already gone and spent another £50 on the pink leather strap. Fitbit take my money please.
  • Sleep tracking - don't ask me why but my sleep stats always intrigues me everyday, I wake up looking forward to see how well I slept during the night LOL. Much better than those sleep apps on your phone anyway, I like how it tracks restlessness during the night and also that awesome vibrating alarm that has changed my life forever, I'm saying goodbye to the days of waking up to my loud annoying phone alarm and that unsatisfied feeling of having had a crap night's sleep.
  • Comfort - at first I was worried if the rubber would irritate my skin or if it would be annoying to wear constantly but it's been surprisingly comfortable. The shape of the rubber strap is actually bevelled so even when you bend your wrist you can barely even feel the edge of the strap. It's so comfortable I'm wearing it to bed every night. 
  • The shoe upgrading thing - I love this. I got a boat shoe the other day and was excited to see this become a trainer the other day.
Now for the parts that I don't like so much:
  • That touchscreen though - one word: unresponsive. The touchscreen is a bit of a let down, it took me a good couple of hours to get used to having to thud my screen with my finger rather than tap because the screen is so unresponsive. For a touch activated watch I probably expected more and was probably expecting the responsiveness to match that of a smart phone (I mean you don't need to swipe aggressively or tap very hard to get what you need on a smartphone). I've read reviews where this problem is constantly coming up for other older models too, I would've expected at least, with this new model, the issue to be addressed but apparently not. 
  • The celebratory vibrations - maybe I'm just a joykill but am I the only one that thinks these are annoying as hell? I know the point of a fitness watch is to motivate you to lose weight but this is DAMN ANNOYING, it scared the shit out of me when I reached 10,000 steps for the first time, I thought my watch was malfunctioning. 
  • The thing that reminds you to move every X minutes you've been inactive - now, I'm an office worker so sitting inactive at my desk for more than 30 mins or even a couple of hours is pretty much a given. The thought of my watch vibrating every time I hadn't moved for X minutes just seems so annoying to me that I had to turn it off - rather than a negative, I'll say I'm glad for most part I could even turn it off. 
In sum, the Fitbit Alta is an amazing little gadget, perfect for anyone looking for a stylish, discreet fitness watch. My positives obviously outweigh the negatives (or else I would've returned it already) so overall, I really really like this watch. It's smart, accurate for the most part and the stats are really interesting. I'm really looking forward to wearing it on Saturday when I'm actually going to be doing some kind of sports with it and testing it out in its full capacity! 

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