K-Drama: Descendants of the Sun - First Impressions

Ahhh new drama - FINALLY. I have waited so long for a good drama to come out and my prayers have been answered. It’s been a pretty long dry spell of not having a good drama to watch so I’m more than happy to start sinking my teeth (or my eyes, rather) into Descendants of the Sun which is currently at it’s 4th episode so far as I type this. 

I'm not going to go into detail about what this drama is about because you can go look that up yourself. It's a romance melodrama with extremely high ratings since episode 1 which was even more of a reason for me to check this one out.

Let's talk about the leading actor and actress first. I'm more familiar with Song Hye Kyo (Full House, That Winter The Wind Blows) rather than Song Joong Ki (Innocent Man), to see these 2 in a romantic drama together seemed weird to me at first, maybe because I only remember Song Joong Ki in Innocent Man as a cold blooded weirdo who has a weird way of showing how much he loves someone (you'll know what I mean if you've seen it). But after watching the first episode they've totally grown on me and I can't wait to see the chemistry between these 2 characters grow more as the series goes on. Let's not forget the fact that this is Song Joong Ki's comeback drama after his mandatory military service is what makes this even more awesome - basically, he should be able to play the part very well. 

My first impressions of this drama is good overall, what I didn't quite like was the fast paced romance though. If you believe in love at first sight then you'll probably find the pace of this good but for me who is more used to the slow-burning romance type dramas, the pace of this is rather strange. But I have to admit that I couldn't fault the cheesy flirting and deep eye gazing going on. For 2 strangers who have only just met, they seem a little too comfortable with each other and made me totally forget that they were just strangers. I honestly thought these 2 had known each other before or something. 

They even got to planning the first date stage...

...But let's not forget that awkward moment when your date has to ditch you to fly off to a war-torn country to save his comrade.

I'm really looking forward to watching more of this drama, the sad thing is, I'll be chasing this week by week. I usually watch dramas after they've finished but this one will be an exception - 2 episodes a week is not enough! 

P.S. Sorry I've been a bit MIA, work had totally gotten the better of me in the last year and blogging fell to the bottom of my priorities. That said, nothing interesting was really going on in my life so it was hard to be creative at all. I won't say I'm back because truth is I'll probably disappear again but cheers to a spike in creativity at 3am on a Saturday night that prompted this post. 

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